Privacy Policy

At Codia it is our policy that we respect and protect your privacy while you use our site.

This privacy policy applies to ALL parts of Codia. With this privacy policy, we respect all information that is present to us through your use of the site. This privacy policy has been created to show what information we collect, how we use it and how we don't supply it to any 3rd party.

  1. Information we collect and use


    We do not collect any visitor data.

    Personal Information

    The information that is collected by Codia is dependent upon the actions performed within the platform. We assure that the information gathered is limited to that which is outlined in the section entitled "Information We Use" at the bottom of this article.

    Data Security

    At Codia, we make every effort to ensure the security of your data. While our measures are robust, no website can guarantee complete security. Due to the nature of online data storage, it is impossible to guarantee 100% security. However, we are committed to implementing industry-standard security protocols to protect your data to the best of our ability.

    External Links

    Codia may include links to third-party websites, such as those of our payment processor, Stripe. Our Privacy Policy does not extend to these third-party websites. To ensure your privacy when using these sites, please review their respective Privacy Policies. We cannot be held responsible for the data collection, content or privacy practices of these third-party websites.

    Protection of Personal Information

    Codia does not disclose any of your personal information to any parties other than our employees. By using Codia, you consent to the transfer of such information as outlined in our Privacy Policy (referenced at the bottom of this article).

    Use of email

    At Codia, an email address is required for registration and login to our website. The email address may be used to communicate updates regarding our privacy policy, terms and conditions, and to send password reset links. Codia takes reasonable measures to safeguard the security of email addresses provided.


    Codia may utilize anonymous data collected from users on this site for statistical purposes, such as total user count, total lines of code written, and total time spent on the platform. No personal information will be made publicly available.

  2. Cookies

    Codia employs the use of cookies, similar to many other online services. These cookies are used to enhance the user experience on our website by providing a more personalized content display. A cookie is a small data file that is stored on the user's device and is sent to the website each time the user returns. Please note that Codia does not display ads on our website. If you choose to disable cookies, certain features of the website may not function correctly. By continuing to use our website without adjusting your cookie settings, you indicate your consent to Codia's use of cookies.

  3. Payment Providers

    Codia utilizes Stripe as a payment processor for our courses. When purchasing a course on Codia, your personal information is handled by this third-party provider. For more information regarding data collection and privacy practices, we encourage you to review Stripe's Privacy Policy.

  4. What information do we use?

    Statistical information

    • Total lines of code you write

    • Upon signing up, you will be included in our user count to track the number of registered users on our platform.

    • The duration of time spent on a course refers to the length of time it takes to complete the course. This information is used to calculate an average completion time, which may be displayed on Codia's main webpage.